Play Housie Online Free

  • Random Number generator: Numbers are generated in a random order to prevent biasing.
  • New ticket: For a every player a new ticket is generated for every game.
  • Play on any Device: Responsive website design enables user to play on any device.
  • Chat with other players: Chat with all the players in the room.
  • Board Show: Board will be shown to users only for a particular time
  • View the last numbers: Last 5 numbers called are shown with the last number called in red.
  • Customized Prizes: Custom Prize list can be created, with custom prize amount and description.
  • Updated Prize list: Prize list is updated automatically as the prizes are awarded.
  • Update Messages: Prize awarded and new number called are also shown as a message.
  • New Number notification: A ping sound is played when a new number is generated.
  • Ticket Check: Ticket is manually checked by the admin.
  • Prize Call Button: Prize call button is present to call and calim for a prize.
  • Supports major browsers: Supports all the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari
  • Max 50 players: At a time 50 players can play the game seamlessly
  • Next Number: Organizer can view the next number before everyone else.
  • Minimal Cost: Pay only Rs. 50 per room. Contact for Demo
  • Ads Free: There are no ads in the entire interface
  • Reconnect Anytime: All the game data is stored securely on the database. Reconnect easily after any network issue
  • Save paper: No need of paper or any stationary. Just a device and good internet connection.
Play Housie online, freePlay Housie online, free

Online Housie Board

Taubola – A game of numbers with more excitement and fun brings alive your childhood memories of playing housie.It is a user friendly game, You can play it with. Housie game also known as tambola is a very old game and most entertainment game and we provided facility to play online wint your friends and family. To continue to use Housie Book, first install mobile app in your mobile by clicking here.